With over a decade of experience in esports, James “Kaelaris” Carrol has demonstrated an
extremely extensive knowledge of the space as well as the games he has been involved in.
Starting his career before Twitch.tv was even created, Kaelaris began his journey during the launch of the StarCraft II beta. After gathering a following via Youtube and online cups, hewas invited to his first ever major LAN by ESL, the IEM World Championship to commentate.
From there Kaelaris accepted a full time position at ESL as their in-house commentator
alongside the likes of Joe Miller, Pansy and Apollo to name a few. As a lover of gaming in general, one game was not enough for James.
From covering the biggest stages SC2 had to offer, both as a commentator and host, Kaelaris branched out to then ascend to the top of other scenes such as Heroes of the Storm, PUBG, PUBG Mobile, World of Warcraft MDI and many more. Showing a malleable talent to fit into many different genres, a challenge is always welcomed and greeted with open arms.