Jesse Chick
Jesse Chick is one of the premier analysts of Ubisoft’s North American Rainbow Six League and has been working in esports for more than six years now as both a caster and analyst.
Jesse started casting at sixteen years old in 2015 covering Team Fortress 2 on his YouTube channel. As Jesse grew in the TF2 scene he joined and became better known as the primary play by play caster in North America for the competitive community. By eighteen Jesse had worked two international LANs, Insomnia 61 and Rewind II alongside holding down the coverage of the North American Team Fortress 2 scene.
In 2018 Jesse left TF2 and started getting involved with Rainbow Six esports. After learning the game he covered a number of notable events such as ESL Challenger League Seasons 9 & 11, Canada Nationals 2019, and his first international Siege event, Dreamhack Montreal 2019. In 2020 Jesse joined the NAL as an analyst and has been involved in every major North American Siege event since.
Located in Edmonton, Canada, Jesse spends his free time watching esports and playing board games with his two cats while also finishing up an Applied Mathematics/Statistics degree from Athabasca University.